More kitchen pictures are coming, I promise. My parents are in town and we've been working extra hard. My mom, in particular, is knocking it out. Happy Mother's Day! What? I took her to brunch this morning before I put her back to work.
Speaking of mom, it seemed like a good time to post pictures from our recent trip down to Houston for Nathan and Kelly's baby shower. The twins are expected to make their appearance next month, so it was time to throw a party.

First, for the cast of instigators:
My mom, volunteerer of space, and supplier of beer (co-ed baby showers demand beer):

Lesley, party planner, chef, and balloon wrangler extraordinaire:

And Emily, party planner and maker of so many things adorable that you're going to want to hire her for your next party:

Need an example? What do you think of this?

Or maybe these?

Pre-party, Nathan and Peter were drafted into balloon decorating.

Lesley and my mom were laying out the snacks.

I was melting chocolate. But that story comes later.
It was time to party! There was the normal party mingling, well wishes, and baby terror stories. On a side note, Kelly is about the cutest pregnant woman ever. She carries her weight in her belly the way every woman hopes they will before they inevitably spread out all over. Also keep this in mind: the two teeny twins on this date had a combined weight of a healthy baby ready to be born. She is definitely a champ.
As I was saying, there was much mingling and merry making. Then it was time to gather for some serious business: baby shower games.

These mostly consisted of trivia and sometimes garnered creative responses.

We also learned a few things. For instance, I learned how many diapers a typical child goes through during the first two years of it's life. I've forgotten the specific number, but let's just say that my guess was off by several thousand. Terrifying.
Presents were gathered up while the group recovered from multiplying that diaper number by two. I think a few people may have shot looks of combined awe and concern at Nathan and Kelly.

The almost parents got a good haul of baby stuff. Nathan was a huge fan of the collared onesies. I have a feeling the world is about to add some pop-collared kids to its ranks. However, it's hard to compete with the camouflage onesie complete with ruffles and a bow for their daughter that Kelly's parents gifted. This is Texas after all, and Kelly has some hunting trophies of her own.

Rob and I got them this little gem. I'd never heard of a wee block until it showed up on the baby registry, but once I saw it I knew we had to get it for them!

Think about baby boys and the control they must have over certain directional skills. Yep, that's precisely the problem this little gadget solves.
Remember that chocolate I was melting earlier? Well I was disqualified from the last game of the day due to my insider look (pun fully intended) at the chocolate filled diaper guessing game! The basic gist of this game is simple - melty chocolate looks like poo. Have a glance in each diaper and write down what kind of chocolate you think is the filler.

I wasn't sure how many people would be into this game. It is pretty gross after all, but it wound up drawing quite a crowd.
The competitive spirit also pulled people into a practical strategy, catch the scent!
Yes, this is my dad nose-deep in a diaper. Looks like grandpa is ready to babysit.
What TWINS!!! Wow, hoe exciting! Do they know if they're boys or girls? Congrats to them!
One boy, one girl. Kelly is the most efficient woman in the world!
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