Saturday, September 6, 2008

Dog park - Austin style

The mutts have been limited to neighborhood walks and running around the backyard lately, so we decided to spend a couple hours of our Saturday out at Red Bud Isle. I think this park may be what dog heaven looks like. It's not bad for humans either. Check out the scenery:

Red Bud Isle is actually a small peninsula that juts out into the river. Rob and I harbor a small delusion that our dogs might someday be the type to enjoy swimming after tossed tennis balls and such. So far, though, they've only mastered wading. Note that our dogs are the ones by Rob, not the two out swimming.

I always say that Cora's fur looks just like a deer. See how she blends in with her scenery.

Luna playing up her lab side.

After dropping the dogs back at the house, Rob and I took our showered selves over to Taco Deli for some well-deserved taco goodness. Mmmmmm, tacos.

Not a bad Saturday so far. We're meeting Thea and Sunil for dinner in a little over an hour. For now, I'm going back to catching up on Red vs. Blue.

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